
18 Movie Reviews

5 w/ Responses

That's actually pretty good

A animação tá boa, mas alguns dos efeitos dos poderezinhos podiam ser melhores e tbm esses momentos em que a câmera não pega toda a cena e o protagonista ou o inimigo ficam de fora, isso irrita às vezes, quando usado muitas vezes seguidas...
Tirando isso, é uma boa animação. Se vc usar mais criatividade nos personagens, a continuação vai ficar foda
Parabéns ae e boa sorte com projetos futuros

GabrielBarsch responds:

valeu cara, vou tentar melhorar o efeito dos maguinhos e os movimentos da V-cam

That was great

The graphics are real good. Very well worked.
I like how you added your own style to the characters without changing too much of the original style of Krinkles.
I loved the Madness alien character. Maybe you could use him on a future work
It's nice and original and mad, of course, so I give 10 stars
Keep it up

That was great

Great work man. I only feel like you want to put much more in it, but it's hard to do it on flash. Still, you can go far using cretive characters.
The butcher is like a Nemesis or Pyramid Head from games as I can see. Good antagonists really makes the difference.
I'm waiting for the next
Kepp the good work and good luck

RedMongoose responds:

Yeah I keep having to cut them short because of filesize, the second one was supposed to end where it looks like the fourth one is going to. Thank you!

Well, what can I say?

Very good animation. Smooth movements and good drawing. Kindda nice storyline so far. Variety of characters, hope you use well most of them not focusing only on one or two. And good work on the voices.
Plus, there are Crowes and they are the most f*cking awesome ever (See my nickname, that explains a bit) and all this combined made a 10/10 and 5/5

Keep up the good work and good luck

Toonimated responds:

woah! that is a really good username for the occasion XD!

Probably the best animation I ever watch

Full of detailes and shading and colours that blow minds off
You're a flash god man
10/10 and 5/5 withou t a doubt
Good luck with any other works

Is like, the 5th time I watch

And this sh*t can't get boring...I was laugh the hell out
Deeptroath at the codec is fucking hilarious so ass the piss scene
I can't wait for the next one
Keep doing this awesome work
10 stars

A really liked this

Such a grat draw and a great character concept
But I think it would look much more awesome if the smile head was a little bit more disturbed, like, more dirty, more insane and stuff =P

Great work dude

liable-to-explode responds:

Lol, the smile hides a secret ;)

Just great

Great humor, great draws, great animations and very great sounds.
So it's a great work!
10 stars and waiting for the next


Age 34, Male

That dreadful place

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