Spectacular game. Pretty close to perfection!
I'm a huge fan of your work, since Dead Babies. I love your style and the themes you use on your games. Always very deep, obscure, intelligent, different, original, yet with a great innocence. The lonely, quietute and peacefull feeling in most of your works, are always touching and drags us into the unique atmosphere of the game.
Aether, Dead Babies, Host, The C Word, Coil, Meat Boy and my favourite, Gish: They're all awesome works. Very artistic and with a very strong mood.
The thing I most enjoy is definetely the incredible artwork.
And it's not different with Spewer. That little pinkish ball with smooth lines and a lot of carisma, sure makes me smile.
The background work is really astonishing. Everything is really detailed and well worked.
The music and the sound effects were simply amazing, as usual. It composed the atmosphere and blend in with the character.
Very good programming. The moves are smooth and there's pratically no bugs or glitches. Everything seems to respond well.
The graphics were the high point. As an artist (or trying to be one), the drawing concepts are always what steals my attention. Everything was so well drawn, as usual again. Love the concept of Spewer. It's so simple, yet so attratctive.
The different bodies element is just incredible. It's something that really got me hypnotized into the game. And the fact that even the expressions change, not just the colours, it's great.
I love how the withe one reminds of Aether. The red and the yellow ones were also great, but my far favourite is of course, the black one, resembing Gish.
The medals are really cool. I like them all, specially 'Airhead', and of course 'Gishy'...
This was a great game that I enjoyed so much playing it. It didn't get boring like most flash games. I enjoyed every chapter as much as I could.
It's definetely one of the best games I ever ´played on the whole internet.
I simpy can't find any flaws.
A sequel would be more than welcome. Maybe with some unlockables or extra content. You could explore even more the body changing scheme.
Anyway: I loved this game, loved the character and loved the whole concept and the idea. It's something that really brings me inspiration. Congratulations for all your excellent works, and for this one, that is sure one of my top favourites now. Thanks for the minutes of fun.
Keep your excellent work. Keep renovating your styles, still always using the same base, that makes everything so familiar. Good luck all your future projects. I'll keep an eye on uptades.
10/10 and 5/5 with no doubt.